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Updated by 09.07.2023

E-Complish Introduces Instant Debit Card Funding Solution

Push2Card allows immediate funds transmission to any U.S. debit card account

E-Complish, Inc., a provider of custom payment processing solutions, has introduced Push2Card to its suite of payment offerings. Push2Card enables businesses to disburse payments and refunds directly to U.S. consumers’ debit card accounts. Upon sending funds, the Consumers receive their funds in real-time to their U.S. debit card.

Easy to set up and implement, Push2Card works with E-Complish’s Virtual Pay web payments offering. It leverages existing card network rails and bank/acquirer systems, with no special requirements for use. Integration through a single application programming interface (API) and E-Complish’s VirtualPay platform means funds can be disbursed to any debit card account at any U.S. financial institution while maintaining Level One compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) to ensure secure electronic funds transmission.

“Push2Card is ideal for a wide range of businesses seeking to disburse payments, government agencies (for tax and other refunds), and finance companies (for loan-funding). Merchants wishing to minimize check-based payments to customers can also benefit from using the solution,” said E-Complish CEO Stephen Price.

In addition to time, labor, and money savings from eliminating or minimizing the volume of checks or mail to consumers, Push2Card benefits from secure funds disbursement, with no worries about lost checks and stolen account information, Price noted. Other benefits of the solution include better control over funds disbursement, a sharper competitive edge, as well as the increased customer satisfaction and loyalty that come from affording customers immediate access to funds.

“Today’s consumers are all about immediate gratification, which for most people includes receiving their money right away, instead of waiting for a paper check or ACH to arrive and clear through the Federal Reserve System. Meanwhile, businesses want and need to move away from the effort, expense, and worry of issuing checks or ACH to customers. Push2Card addresses all of these needs and more,” said Marc Hopkins, E-Complish’s Vice President of Strategic Relations.

“At E-Complish, we are committed to safeguarding and ensuring the security of credit card information handled by our customers—and to help our customers do the same for their customers, clients, and patients,” said Greg Gaines, E-Complish’s Director of Compliance and Client Support. “As a Level 1 PCI-DSS Service Provider (the highest of levels), our adherence, monitoring, and auditing underscore our commitment to payment security.

“E-Complish CEO Stephen Price agreed significant threats to consumers’ credit card information are growing stronger. Working with a certified, PCI-compliant payment processing company is the best way for businesses of all kinds to protect the privacy and integrity of their customers’ information while safeguarding their reputations. “It’s our mission to continue supporting our clients in this regard, as well as with their PCI compliance. Safeguarding payment security and creating efficiency in speed and clearance of funding is the reason why Push2Card is a no-brainer for many businesses,” Price concludes.