How Does EDoc Work?
EDoc by E-Complish simplifies the signature process for merchants using HostPay, VirtualPay, RecurPay, or DevConnect to process payments. EDoc enables merchants to email documents requiring signatures to customers with pre-populated payment details. Once signed, the agreements are sent back to the merchant for processing.
VirtualPay or DevConnect APIs easily tracks the status as “Pending Signature”. Notifications are sent to the consumer and merchant once the EDoc is electronically signed. Merchants can activate EDoc terms with user-level security. Alternatively, the EDoc is automatically activated by the VirtualPay or DevConnect rules, without the need for approval by a representative.
Other E-Complish Services

Debit & Credit Cards
Accepting and processing a wide range of major credit cards helps your business increase sales.
Make Payments Easy with EDoc Processing

EDoc Benefits
- Compliance: The EDoc process follows ESIGN Act guidelines and satisfies ACH NACHA Rules for Recurring TEL and PPD transactions.
- Security: EDoc are stored on secure E-Complish servers for safekeeping. You decide who on your team has administrative responsibilities to view or approve documents.
- Retrievability: EDoc are retrievable on-demand via VirtualPay or the DevConnect API as a PDF document.
- Clear reporting: EDoc statuses include Pending Signature by the Consumer, Pending Approval by the Merchant, Declined by the Merchant, and Activated. An audit log shows the entire history of a document, including uploading, adding elements, viewing, and signing, as well as the person who took each action. Date, IP address, and which platform was used (web, iOS, or Android) is also displayed.
- Automatic reminders: Your business can use these to resend EDoc to consumers who have not responded.
- Ease of use: EDoc can be opened and used on any device and with any iOS and Android application. Signatures can be uploaded, typed, or drawn. Document signing is solicited via familiar email systems and is virtually guaranteed to not be marked as spam.

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